Purchasing state-of-the-art devices, equipment and machines are important for any business to stay ahead. However, the maintenance of same is equally, if not more, important that helps you keep running them efficiently year after year. A device is always valuable as long as it is in working condition and assist you in your business
So, why are we saying this?
Because using our Asset Management Software – UC-Assets, helps your team easily locate, manage and maintain, including quick and useful reports. What more… we provide interactive dashboard that helps you make faster and accurate business decision by using the simple slice-n-dice technique to view your data from different angles. UC-Assets is kind of your personal assistant who will readily answer your questions like which devices are under maintenance, when can I see a particular device working again, Is my device quite efficient to recover my investments, is there any troublesome equipment that fall sick more often, are my devices covered under warranty or AMC, who is maintaining devices in my organization
Imaging a flour mill company without a functional grinding machine. The assets in a company are equally important and vital for any business without which the operations would come to a halt or the process would take longer duration to finish, causing business delays
Source: WHO website https://who.int
Source: Travel Triangle
A user should be able to launch a complaint or service request with just few clicks on their computer or even via mobile phones.
A service engineer should be able to get easy and instant notification, able to locate the device and nature of complaint, get proper planned schedule of maintenance and should have easy options to report details about the task when completed.
Screenshots of actual dashboards we developed for various applications. Data Source used: XLS and SQL
Our Asset Management is a complete suit of essential features including Asset Register, Asset Maintenance Management, Asset Call Management, Reporting, Analytics and Worksheet tools and utilities that help Maintenance Team.
AssetCare is a uniquely designed Asset Register and Asset Maintenance Management Software Solution created by the minds of asset maintenance field experts with 25+ years of experience in providing services to their Healthcare customers in India, Malaysia and more.
It is a pre-hosted cloud-based solution designed using SaaS architecture and hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) servers with adequate security, scalability, high-availability and available 24×7 that can be accessed anytime – anywhere using your authorized credentials and access rights.
It is barcode and QR code enabled compatible with your laptop, desktop and tab devices.
These are the tips from Maintenance experts that helps keep the asset in good and working condition for longer period.